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The film starts off awesome. The first scene is a great opening, I like the slow building of suspense. It was a really cool sequence when the crew goes out to search for the ship. I got goose bumps when they look for it, but the ship was gone by the time they got there. It was amazing and scary. "Hello? Can anyone hear it?" was their first response. The rest of the film is not long of slow building, and is nonstop action. One thing that this film did right was that it was long. It took a while for them to find the ship, and it was such an awesome climax. It was amazing and terrifying. The most important aspect was that the ordinary people were a part of this action. "The coldness is the only thing keeping me alive/The coldness keeps me alive when the water goes in." The characters were ordinary. They worked and had their reasons. They did not seem like an action movie. The characters were not super famous or super rich. They were just people, who did what they faced with.
A lot of people like this movie. I like the opening, but other than the great opening scene, the rest of the movie is not that good. I like Gary Daniels, and I liked the ending when the crew finally finds the ship. I like to think that the haunting was bad, because the rest of the ship was just as scary.
Ghost Ship is a good, fun, sweet old fashioned action ghost movie. The monsters are not really understood and I feel like a lot of the scares come from not really knowing what they are. That being said, they are very fun. They are especially scary when they are revealed as fully fledged characters, with their own motivation and personality. If you are into the Paranormal movie genre, and are looking for something a little more scary and off-kilter than your traditional haunted house movie, this is the one for you.
For me, Ghost Ship is a cult classic, and it is well worth checking out. Also, I recommend going in with some sort of expectation. Do not open the box expecting scary ghost stories, but instead go in with an open mind, and you'll find an excellent movie. d2c66b5586