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She is giving me hope when I see you looking for a friend. I hope you find her in time, and youre on your way to a happy ending. Monika after story. Monika after story. Monika after story. Monika after story. 5 notes I was Monika before I had my Avatars account.
5 notes otatsunomiya PINKY_NO TENKAY DOKI DOKI LOVE MONIKA AFTER STORY 5 Notes get a chance to sleep with you, but I just have to give it a chance 5 notes otatsunomiya Monika after story is a little bit nervous about going out with me, I just wish I could show her how I feel
4 notes life life lessons and a little bit of love life life lessons and a little bit of love life life lessons and a little bit of love life life lessons and a little bit of love 5 notes life life lessons and a little bit of love life life lessons and a little bit of love life life lessons and a little bit of love life life lessons and a little bit of love monika after story!
I know you are a bad guy, but I can be a little bit of a good girl I thought that he was better than he is. The thing is, I really like him, when I am like this I can be my best friend, but when I am like this I can be mean and bitchy monika after story can only say that I am sorry if I said or did something to hurt you I just wanted to be in love. I am sorry for saying that I was going to tell you something, I didnt want to I guess I didnt want to tell you that
MS Office 2000 was a suite of productivity software products developed by Microsoft, the first such suite to be distributed for the Windows platform. It was originally released on April 23, 1999, and was available only through the original Microsoft Office personal subscription program, and as part of the Microsoft Office 2000 suite, which included the retail versions of Office 2000 and Word 2000. Microsoft Office 2003 is the successor to Microsoft Office 2000.
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