Sclerotherapy: Treatment Of Varicose And Telang...
Cosmetic procedures are also available. We provide Botox injections and dermal fillers (Restylane) for wrinkles of the face. We also provide Sclerotherapy for the treatment of varicose veins, spider veins and telangectasias. Most cosmetic procedures are provided on a \"out of pocket\" basis, though some insurances cover the treatment of painful varicose veins.
A variety of treatment modalities are available to treat varicose veins/venous insufficiency, including surgical approaches, thermal ablation, and sclerotherapy. The application of each of these treatment options is influenced by the severity of the symptoms, type of vein, source of venous reflux, and the use of other (prior or concurrent) treatments.
When conservative treatments fail to provide relief from symptomatic venous insufficiency and ALL of the above general criteria requirements are met, the following options may be considered medically necessary when reported for symptomatic varicose veins. However, in addition to the general medically necessary criteria above, specific requirements for each procedure must also be met:
Coverage for sclerotherapy (liquid or microfoam) for these indications is limited to a maximum of three (3) sclerotherapy treatment sessions per leg: three (3) treatment sessions for the right leg and three (3) sessions for the left leg. A total of six (6) sessions may be authorized to treat these veins without additional clinical documentation, when performed within 12 months of the initial invasive varicose vein procedure.
In another report, a patient with widespread telangiectases along with autoimmune thyroiditis, progressive muscle weakness, and small varicose veins of the legs had complete clearing of the telangiectases after treatment using oral acyclovir. [26] Involution was noted within 3 weeks, with almost complete clearance at 2 months. Treatment was continued for 5 months without recurrence. Acyclovir had no effect on the larger ectatic veins, muscle weakness, or thyroiditis. Acyclovir was initiated because of the possibility that a viral infection may have been the underlying cause of an autoimmune syndrome.
First published in 1991, and republished in 1995, 2001, 2007, this book remains the backbone of our knowledge concerning sclerotherapy of chronic venous disorders. Divided into 15 chapters plus 8 appendices, this reference work of 401 pages covers not only sclerotherapy, but also anatomy (Stefano Ricci), surgery (Michel Perrin) and intravascular procedures (radiofrequency and lasers) for treating varicose veins, the use of compression (Hugo Partsch), venoactive drugs (Albert-Adrien Ramelet), and laser and high-density pulsed light treatment of telangectasias.
At Precision Dermatology, we provide a procedure called Sclerotherapy to treat these problems. Sclerotherapy has been used for many years as a treatment for reducing the visibility of varicose and spider veins. It is non-invasive and highly effective.
Dr. Harper or one of our physician assistants or nurses will perform your sclerotherapy treatments. Our providers are fully trained to perform sclerotherapy for spider veins on the legs under the supervision of Dr. Harper and his wife Terri Harper APRN, FNP-C from our sister practice Spa Medical. You can rest assured in the credentials that Dr. Harper and Terri bring to the table. They are the founders of the Comprehensive Vein Training Center and train providers from across the country in the comprehensive evaluation and treatment of spider and varicose veins.
Dr. Kenneth Harper, founder and medical director of Vein Specialists of the South in Macon and Warner Robins, was one of the first surgeons in the United States to focus on the treatment of venous disease. Since 1996, Dr. Harper has dedicated his time and expertise to finding and using only the best technologies for treating varicose and spider veins on the legs, ankles, hands and face. He has since expanded our practice to include treatments for lymphedema and venous ulcers. Dr. Harper and our team of vein specialists also lecture for the American College of Phlebology and educate other physicians from around the world on the diagnosis and treatment of venous disease.
Dr. Kenneth Harper, founder of Vein Specialists of the South, has evaluated more than 22,000 patients and performed over 18,000 procedures since 2000. Dr. Harper is a leader in comprehensive vein care, having focused on diagnosis and treatments for varicose veins, spider veins, venous ulcers, and leg swelling since 1997.
Alternatives include detergent-like foaming compounds, which are not considered painful. Physicians trained in diagnosing and treating varicose veins and peripheral venous disease can offer patients the best treatment options available.Free Vascular ScreeningsCall Today to Schedule
Sclerotherapy is one vein treatment option for the elimination of spider veins and varicose veins. During the Sclerotherapy procedure, a sclerosing solution is injected into the vein through a micro-needle. The sclerosing solution causes the vein to blanch (turn white), then gradually to disappear. A typical treatment may last for 15 to 20 minutes and consist of multiple injections. Injection Sclerotherapy may eliminate the need for an invasive surgical procedure.
Often times, the definitive treatment for varicose veins involves closing the greater and lesser saphenous veins using a minor surgical procedure known as endovenous ablation and sclerotherapy. This is performed in an outpatient setting by a vascular specialist such as an interventional radiologist. Your podiatrist is the best place to start when seeking help with varicose veins since they can be critical in the diagnosis and early treatment of chronic venous insufficiency.
Dr. Roy, Dr. Scott and Dr. Ivan have been practicing podiatry for over 30 years and are accustomed to treating patients with venous disease of the feet and ankles. If you think you may be suffering from Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI), varicose veins, or spider veins, you should consider contacting Ashton Podiatry. Early diagnosis and treatment is important in preventing the later stages of advanced CVI such as skin discoloration and venous stasis ulcers. 59ce067264